Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Plight of immigrant workers in U.A.E

I happened to watch 'Panorama' on BBC. It is an investigative TV- show that goes undercover to bring out the truth on various issues. On Monday they focused on the condition of construction workers in Dubai. It was really disheartening to see the workers slogging themselves for 6 days a week(12 hour shifts) with no basic facilities. Most of them are from India, Pakistan,Bangladesh and China. They have come in hoards to the city of glitter and riches, to earn more money and better their lives. Reality hits home only after they reach. They have been given poor accommodation, toilets and bathrooms with no taps, sewage collected all around their dwellings and most importantly no wages for long periods or lower than promised wages. It is horrific to see the conditions that they have been subject to. Abused and tortured they strive to pay their loans, without sending home any money for a year or two. This show brings to light the plight of immigrant construction workers who help build the multimillionaire luxurious properties in Dubai and aptly termed as 'Slumdogs and Millionaires'. It is a pity that the governments in U.A.E are not able to address the issues of the immigrant workers who help to add glitter to their cities, with no rewards for their hard work. This is the link to the web pages and link2, with a detailed report on the same issue.

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